Solanacorn current price is $0.000002130.


-11.85% (24H)
Low $0.000002030
High $0.000002470
  • Market Cap $1.48 M
  • Volume $233,112
  • Available Supply 694.05 B CORN
  • ATH $0.00001024
  • ATH(% Change) -78.19%
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Date Price Volume MarketCap

Solanacorn current price is $0.000002130 with a marketcap of $1.48 M. Its price is -11.85% down in last 24 hours.

REAL UNICORN*nothing gram, fabricated equivalent of 1 nanogram of imaginary animal byproduct+Each token contains no less than 1 ng of unicorn kidney suspended in a proprietary blend of Yugoslavian chicken gizzards, North Korean virgin tears, and Appalachian "meth head" adrenaline gland extract (organic).^Do not consume if you have an allergy to being based.Why $CORN?Despite claims from certain Swaps and Bots, our independent lab studies show that no real unicorn has ever been distributed on blockchain. We're here to change that.​Will I actually receive unicorn after purchasing the token?No, you will not receive parts of an imaginary magical creature after purchasing this token. However, we do GUARANTEE you that $CORN token is as real as any other token in your cryptocurrency wallet!​Where does the $CORN come from?All $CORN originated from our founder, Charlie (see more here). Like horses, unicorn kidneys weigh 500-700g. Charlie's 694.20g kidney was stolen by Candy Mountain in 2005. Thanks to recent geopolitical events and clinical-grade hallucinogens, we were able to acquire his kidney and magically inscribe it on to the Ethereum blockchain. Each $CORN token corresponds to 1 nanogram of desiccated unicorn kidney.